Life Is A Road Trip

The Amazing Adventures of a Zoobroker and a Sentiographer

night photography

Art: Night Paper

colorado, on the roadMatt HillComment

I present the culmination of 3 years of dreaming, a nude model dressed in hand-cut paper with star trails shot on location at Barr Lake State Park. I intend this to be one in a series of images that culminates in a gallery show and perhaps coffee table book. Wish me luck and enjoy!


Downtown Denver at Night on film

coloradoMatt HillComment

I finally got some of my black-and-white 4x5" images back. These are photographs of them, not scans. 4th of July from our balcony:


The following three are from Monday night down not he Platte River under Speen St and 15th St in Denver.


Night Frisbee in Denver

coloradoMatt HillComment

So we're kind mostly settled in here in Denver down at the riverfront. Today we bought a frisbee at REI that has blue LEDs. This image is eight minutes of vigorous tossing about. (pant, pant...) I like the B/W infrared version most (Via DxO's Film Pack 3, Kodak HIE setting tweaked a bit):

I feel like I am in an episode of Bleach. Like.

And here is the color version, that has a beauty of its own - 8x 2-minutes exposures stacked in Ps:

Night Shots: Salt Lake City 2012

utahMatt HillComment

After Zoo and I drank appropriate amounts of bourbon, I headed out solo to get some long exposures. I made HDRs, stacks and just plain long exposures. Mixed bag of tricks - errr... techniques. Not bad for a few hours' work, I think. And getting star trails within city limits is near-unheard of! Proud.

Burning Brown Man #2

art, texaszoobroker1 Comment

We're simple guys ... we've got simple needs. BBQ, beer, girls, and ... burning shit on camera. We spent a day up at Buchanan Lake near Tow, TX, trying to get one shot ... first there's a vid of the early part of our setup:

This is a test shot of the scale-model skeleton ...

This is the first burn test ...

This is me attaching the fuse to the skeleton ...

This is the first long exposure test with the front lighting...

Sometime around now, matt's box flash took a spill in the drink (a pretty scummy pond), followed by his Nikon D700 taking a nasty fall in the mud.

This was the unintended result, a bit overexposed, eh? Well, we were outta time, outta patience and just a li'l bit frustrated. Oh well.

Glitz and Bits

nevadaMatt HillComment

_mhp2344 Vegas, helloooo again!

Zoo and I are on a little R&R and hopped over to Fremont for some photo ops and she-nan-i-gans.



Reminds me of my head.


Rub it...




Zoo spotted this bar, had a hunch and made a run for it.


Music wasn't impressive, but I felt like we were transported to Portland, OR. It was so NOT-VEGAS, chill, firelit and filled with younger, somewhat less-skanky people.


And some beautiful people...


And fun people, some with sequin pants and mismatched shoes. Good times. Will come back, for sure.